My two Grandmas

I was named after Evelyn.  It is a lovely name.  I've always liked it, even when I was little.  Granny Mac was a teacher her whole adult life.  She was a really good teacher, too.  She was one of those teachers who had students come over to her house after school to help tutor them in reading. She taught me my times tables and paid me for memorizing them when I was in second grade. I was really good at multiplying.  When I went to college she wrote me a check to help cover my costs of books.  It was so appreciated.  She told me to write her letters, but not about boys.  She said that specifically.  So I didn't talk to her about that.  I told her about my teachers, the books I was reading, and the papers I was writing.  I showed her my grades. She was very encouraging in my academic endeavors.
Evelyn Smyth McNeill

My Grandma Helen was very different. When I was little, she wanted me to sing for her.  She would cook me anything I wanted, even if it was boiled cabbage. She made banana milk shakes with malted milk and ice in the blender.  Once I was in college, she wanted to hear all about my romantic prospects. She wanted to hear all about my roommates, and dates.  So, I would tell her all about it.  I told her about the boys I thought were cute, the ones I had been on dates with, the ones I liked, the ones I didn't like.  She loved it.  She was very encouraging in my romantic pursuits. She would tell me what colors I looked best in and what she liked about my current hair style.

Helen Goodman Bryant
The thing they had in common is faith in God, and a love of music.  They both taught piano lessons and served missions for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (The Mormons).  Evelyn served a mission after her husband passed away as a sister missionary.  Helen served a couples mission with her husband, Bill,  in Montana.

I see pieces of both of them in me.  The piece of each of them I have is confused by the other.  They look at each other like aliens meeting for the first time.  The Grandma Helen in me that loves to wear bright lipstick and wear dangling earrings.  She loves to make art projects with my kids,  tacos for dinner, and go on morning runs.  This woman is stared at in confusion by the working woman of Granny Mac.  The woman who worked until she retired, and then kept working, pushing for teacher's rights, and women's rights.  From Granny Mac, I have the intellectual who loves to read,  to research, and push for social change.  The woman who would rather have "brains in her head and hair on her lip than the other way around." 

Those women loved me as a little girl.   I think they are both confused at the part I got from the other woman. The composite whole is a bit baffling from the perspective of the other side. But, they loved me the best they knew how.  Those women are still loving me.  The best they know how.


  1. That is a lovely spectrum of grandmothers that you had.


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