Doom Tomorrow

My first grader has homework. She doesn't look forward to homework. Every night she has homework.  I didn't enjoy this towards the beginning of the school year.  It was punishment for me, the prison warden who had to enforce homework doing. I hated homework.  We hated it together.  The 15 minutes of reading, the worksheet of math, the spelling words, the cutting and pasting of small letters to spell bigger words.  Then I decided it was her homework.  She could decide whether or not she did her homework. I did homework for  19 years, earned my own degrees. She was on her own.  And if she didn't do her homework, she would not be able to use the computer.

Julie decided she wants to do her homework.

She sits at the table after school to do her homework.

Her homework, she's informed me, is doom tomorrow.


  1. You are a wise, wise woman, and Julie is a very blessed girl to have you for her mother.


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