A Movie Review

So, I hardly EVER go to movies in the theater. The movie I saw before this one was The Hobbit, with hot Mr Thornton from North and South as a dwarf. Thank you cinema. The movie I saw before that one was...I didn't see Frozen, so let's go back further...maybe Toy Story 3?

Last night I went with a bunch of mom friends to a 9:00 movie. It was so late. I couldn't believe I was doing something so crazy. I bought a Sprite soda all for myself and drank it all, and my friend shared her bucket of pop-corn with me. It was a fabulous experience.

The title for the move (The Edge of Tomorrow) is the worst name ever for this movie. I had to look it up  online because I couldn't even remember what it was.  I would have called it "Octopus Cats" or "Groundhog Day with Guns" or "Tom Cruise as Ironman." Really, anything would have been better than The Edge of Tomorrow. What does that even mean?

Despite the horrendous title, "The Edge of Tomorrow" is a good movie. The story-line is interesting, and takes place in Europe, which is advantageous for an Anglophile like myself. The dialogue isn't dull, which is good because we hear a lot of it over and over again. The main characters are attractive and not stupid. Tom Cruise plays an officer who begins the movie as a soldier who is afraid of fighting and makes marketing film adds for the military, but avoids the front lines. They had him wear a very attractive uniform reminding us of his pilot days with Goose, and singing near a piano with sunglasses. He overcomes his fear by being trained day after day with the excellent woman actress (Emily Blunt) who is an awesome soldier and has lived her own Groundhog day and knows how to beat the Octopus Cat aliens.

When I watch movies with actors that I have seen in other films, the character that is strongest to me wins out. So, when I watch Tom Cruise, he is a pilot from Top Gun who later became a cop in Minority Report and had eye-ball transplants, occasionally doing side jobs for Mission Impossible. Casting him in a role where he was unable to fight at first was not believable for me.  I am glad they fixed it and taught the man how to fight by a yoga doing, spandex wearing, messy bun sporting gal. Her middle name in the movie is either Peyton or Rose depending on how much you trust her, but I forgot her first name. Let's call her Ventress. She doesn't have on tons of makeup and her hair isn't perfect, so I already believe in her as a kicken' military hero. Ventress has skills and connections to make it further and further to the goal of beating the Octopus Cats, but they keep running into snags that must be overcome. Part of the problem is the Octopus Cats ability to reset time and learn the strategy of the humans, and part of the problem is the lack of time Tom and Ventress have to make it to the target. The storyline does not get old. The repeating parts are horrifying or funny, and add to the characters and dynamic between our two heroes. Tom gets to know Ventress very well, and she can't ever remember.

There is some kissing. More kissing would have been fine.

There is no eating, except of playing cards, which is very disturbing. Nobody should eat playing cards. Poor Tom and Ventress were very, very hungry by the end of this film.

Watch it. For the censor- conscientious of my readers, I think there is some language, but nothing that stood out as horrifying. You do see a bare bum, but in a funny way.

It would be a good date movie. But, it is also a fun take your friend and eat her popcorn kind of movie, too. Tom Cruise is still a hotty.


  1. I think the newspapers should hire you.

  2. yahoo! now I want to see it. And I will be thinking the heroine's name is Ventress the whole time. :)


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