Football, and you're not going to like it

Sports. I am a huge fan of playing sports.  Exercise and competition are fun.  If I could exercise every day by playing a sport,  that would be awesome. My favorite sport is basketball. I haven't played in years.  I don't know why basketball isn't part of mommy park groups, but it isn't.  Boo. I love ultimate frisbee because it encompasses every ability level. Right now I play indoor soccer.   This isn’t about playing sports.  This is about watching sports. 

It is that time of year again.  That time of year for football. If I know nothing else about facebook, I know that it loves football. It talks about statistics and games and players.  I went to school at BYU, and football is preached from the pulpit.  I heard talks every fall about BYU football, the one true and living team.


I am going to say something that is hard for many many of you to hear. 

Football is way too long.  Way, way too long. Hours. And hours. And the game isn't even over. And the timeouts are long.  The penalties are plethorific. It gets tedious. And boring. I can’t sit for four hours and watch that. There are things to do. Even as a  a student at BYU, I couldn’t stand to sit through an entire game. What?!? I know. I know. About 200 of you just unfriended me. Sorry. Watching football is way too much of a commitment.  And then football is so arrogant, that the season never ends. It bleeds over into basketball season.

Exception to the football rule. 

Small town high school football. I especially, love watching 8 man high school football.  It is small town sporting at its finest. Trick plays. Packed stadiums. The fans in the bleachers are as fun to watch as the game.  There is all kinds of drama. Senior star quarterback gets injured and freshman rookie gives it a try. Girlfriend in the stands can't stand cheerleading captain.  The receiver's dad wants to punch out the referee, who happens to have dated his wife when they were teenagers. I would watch that reality TV show if someone dared to make it. And the season is respectful of other sport seasons. Thank you for being courteous.

So, I don't really watch football. What does this mean for my marriage. Well, my adorable husband is even less interested in football than I am. He also doesn't really get into watching an type of sport. He says,"Oh, two relatively matched  teams are going are going to play pretty much at the same level and one of them is going to beat the other team by a little bit,. It is so unpredicatble."   I have begged him to watch some basketball games with me during March Madness and he has fallen asleep. Our family has a culture that somehow survives without any outside knowledge of athletic teams and their successes or failures. We don't even know who plays in the Super Bowl.

Somehow, we are happy here. Here in our home that does not ebb and flow with the wins and losses, the injuries and recoveries, the coaches firings, hirings, and retirings.

But, we do love marching bands. 


  1. This year I purchased NFL rewind which lets you watch every NFL football game online. The feature that I think you may like is this. You can watch the full broadcast game or choose to watch a condensed game. What is a condensed game? They cut out halftime, timeouts and even the standing around between plays. This allows you to watch an entire NFL game in 30 minutes or so.

  2. Yes! Marching bands were by far my favorite part of high school and BYU football games. And flirting. Why else go?

  3. I'm with you. Plus I can just never figure out where the ball is. Basketball and Baseball are so much easier to follow. :)

  4.!!!! Neither of us is really into sports. Jared does like soccer and will watch snippets of a BIG match every now and then. We too don't know who played in the superbowl most years. We have had to feign a little sports knowledge as we just moved to a MEGA sports area! We moved in during the Hockey playoffs (if that is even what it's called) and the guys setting up our internet service were checking the score every 5 minutes on their phones. Crazy! Loved this one. Miss going VT'ing with you.

    1. P.S. your new haircut!

    2. Jennifer! I think about you all the time when I am walking by your street. Funny that you have to fake it. I wouldn't know a thing about hockey. Miss you back. I hope your new place loves you as much as your old place misses you. Oh, I have your old calling. Or sort of. I am a Relief Society teacher now.


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