Teeth, People.

In  a couple of paragraphs, I am going to talk about my children't current teeth situations. But first, I am going to tell you about my favorite podcast.

I listen to a podcast that I love called My Favorite Murder. It says the f word many times, so don't listen if that bothers you.  If you are into true crime, and funny ladies and clever banter, and don't mind the f word so much? This is a podcast for you! At the end of every podcast we are told to stay sexy and don't get murdered, and the cat Elvis meows wildly for a cookie.

One of the stories they told was about a couple who had an affair, left their families, and went to the Gallapagos Island to set up their own homestead. The names are Dr. Frederick Ritter and Dore Strauch. The Ritter guy was a doctor,  pulled out his own teeth before leaving to the island so his gums would toughen up. While on the island, his woman's teeth rotted out of her head and they pulled them with gardening tools. Together, they shared a set of stainless steel teeth. The story gets crazier from there, but the idea of voluntarily removing teeth is just a disturbing idea. Sharing a tooth brush...I get it. Sharing teeth? Aghhhhh! No! Boundaries are important.

Today I took my two oldest girls to an orthodontist so we could chat about braces. My twelve hear old daughter has a transposed tooth. This means her permanent k-nine tooth took a little trip up there in her gums, and popped out near her molars. It looks odd, and is creating some issues. Her baby k-9 is stuck, and there isn't a spot for the transposed tooth. So, she will need oral surgery to either place the transposed tooth or get rid of it and do something else. It's a whole thing.
Actual picture of teeth. Cool, right?

Then, my 10 year old daughter has sunken baby teeth molars. They are retreating back into the gum line, which makes them really tricky to wiggle. It's a new thing, because we haven't had a dentist talk to us about this before. So she is going to have to try and wiggle teeth that are disappearing from whence they came. Not the only issue, however! It was also made evident by her round the head panoramic x-ray, that two of her bottom teeth are turned at a 90 degree angle. I asked if they would turn like a baby emerging from the birth canal. Nope. Mother nature doesn't fix that. That's why God made orthodontia.

I still have two more kids. They also have teeth. They are too little for the orthodontist. I don't know what mysteries their teeth hold in their heads. Right now I'm just trying really hard to keep them from rotting their teeth out of their heads. My little boy likes to sneak snacks and juice boxes at night, so a couple of months ago he got some fancy conscious sedation cough syrup. That took half an hour to kick in and then the dentist went to town fixing six cavities in his cute little head. He also had nitrous-oxide aka laughing gas, which looks like a cute elephant trunk hanging off his nose while he watches a movie and the dentist does his thing. My little girl also had a couple of cavities. She didn't need the conscious sedation medicine, but she did get the elephant nitrous-oxide. I'm told every time she goes to the dentist that her teeth are really close together. It's going to be a crowded party as her permanent teeth come in. She also has gigantic tonsils. But that's for another blog post regarding another body part.

So, there is no moral. But there is a molar. (I have some punny friends on facebook. They are getting into my head).

The molar of this story is, teeth are expensive. But, only if you want pretty ones. And if you are in a relationship where a man voluntarily pulls out his teeth in favor of stainless steel ones, run away. Run far, far away.


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