Snapshots of My Children

I don't post much about my children. This isn't usually that kind of blog. But, I had a friend do a snapshot blogpost of her children to capture them how they are in this moment, and I loved reading it. So, I am going to copy her. Thanks for the great idea Michelle!

My oldest child is in fourth grade. She has a gigantic backpack for her small size, and a big math book. She does homework every night. We have had homework struggles previous years, but no more! She just does her homework and we don't really even talk about it. I can't keep up with her appetite for books. She has brackets on her front teeth in order to get them straightened out, and she looks so much older with those things on. She looks teenagery. My dear girl loves two particular friends out of all the friends. She likes to go to their houses to play. They live close enough that she goes over on her razor scooter, and then comes home before dark. She loves animals, and all living things. I can count on her to feed and water the pet dog and cats. On her own, she goes out after rain storms to save the worms that are stuck on the cement from a horrible drying up death. She wants to be a wildlife biologist. Creativity is oozing from her. She frequently puts her shirts on backwards, but her shoes go on the correct feet now. Hooray!

There is my second born. A girl. Such a sweet girl. This year she is in second grade and having some tough times. She knows boys are in love with her. Like, in kindergarten she said. "That boy was so in love with me and that is why he wanted to play with me at recess." She hasn't said that lately. Her looks are important to her. I try not to feed the monster, but she really is beautiful. Also, she is a mathematician. She is good at the numbers and figuring out how mathematics work contextually in word problems. Her favorite outfits contain black and white, and she is VERY opinionated about her wardrobe. Our biggest fights are about clothing. I want her to wear some. She wants it to be specific outfit combinations with lots of rules about what can go together and what doesn't work because of itchiness, colors, weather, or other rules she makes up on a daily basis. She wants to be an engineer. But, she isn't sure what that means so she is keeping her options open. Family time is very important to her, as is planning events. She makes menus frequently, and is an organizer of family productions. Her biggest emotional outbursts socially have to do with her having an idea, and her friends not going along with it.

Then there is my firecracker thirdsy. She is four years old, and in her second year of preschool. My nudist. She loves life. She likes to do things. If there is something going on, she wants to be involved. Her favorite shows are Monster High and Uncle Grandpa, and I put the nix on Uncle Grandpa. She sneaks things at night, like food, and scissors, and craft projects. She likes to wear bathing suits, if she can't be in her birthday suit, she wants a bathing suit. Show and Tell is a big deal for her, and we have fun picking things out for her letters of the week. She is crazy smart and learns anything that is taught to her. She likes to tell other people rules, "No touching at preschool." Also, "You can only talk potty talk in the bathroom." Pears are her favorite food, and she makes sure we have them always. Eating at the table is not her favorite. When she grows up she wants to have 5 babies, and she will probably have a few pet kittens. She does love the kittens. I do not try to leave the house without giving her a kiss and a hug-she will find me.

Then there is the baby boy. My little hombre is two. He comes with me on my drive to Potter every day and he goes to the child-care. He loves to listen to West Side Story's "America." It is really cute to listen to him sing along. He is crazy tall for his age, and he likes to run and jump and go down big slides. He likes to eat cheese a lot, and drink insane amount of milk and juice. He prefers sippy cups, and has a princess sippy cup that he is particularly fond of. When I paint his face he wants to be Iron Man, or Captain America. He likes to play with a toy Mr. Hulk, and he calls it "Hulk Smash." He can not keep his shoes on his feet---EVER, and it is kind of an issue at child care because it is their policy that he keep shoes on. We try. This little man loves his dad. A lot. He feels very loyal to his dad, so I never have to change a diaper when Ian is home. He knows his colors, how to work every electronic device in the house and get to Netflix. He likes to snuggle with the kittens on the couch, which means tackle them. He has recently learned how to say"Go Big Red!" with a giant read finger on his hand.

Those are my children, and they are my wonderful little people in this moment. I know this time of life will go quickly and I will wish for these days back. The closeness, the constant interaction and having them need me. Honestly, I can't wait to miss it. It is hard and all-consuming and messy and there is never enough of me to go around. But, I do love these people. I am grateful they are mine.


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