Labyrinth World without David Bowie, Movie Review of Maze Runner

I have got to get this movie reviewed. The two of you who read the movie reviews (Brittany and someone else) are really counting on me. I don't want to let you down.

Here's the scoop.

I usually go into these movies without knowing anything about them. I get a text saying it is movie night, and then I go to the movie. However, this movie was a little different. Rose told me she watched the trailer and it looked freaky. FREAKY. That didn't sound good. I don't do most scary movies, so I had to see the trailer and determine if it was indeed freaky.

The trailer shows a boy in a metal elevator. He is being pushed up into the light. He is greeted by some teenage male models who have apparently been stranded in a strange new world.

There is a labyrinth surrounding them-a labyrinth that squishes people in its walls. I also get the impression from the trailer that nobody can remember where they came from, or why they are in labyrinth world.
I determined it wasn't my kind of freaky. Suspenseful, but not brain twisting or demonic.

I found out once I watched the movie that Labyrinth world would be better with David Bowie.

Instead of David, we have these guys.

 I lovingly named them Morganica. 
Half machine, half organic slime thingy.

Morganicas are freaky, but not as freaky as the spider on The Lord of the Rings (named Shelab. You're welcome). They are also not as freaky as Replicators, Borg, or other organic/machine/machine/spidery organisms. Maze Runner has a long way to go when creating freaky spidery/machine things.

If the spider tried to assimilate the maze runners, that would be freaky. 

So...the trailer tells us most stuff. We find out these male models are getting their supplies to live from the basket that brings a new person every month. The male models have developed a society with rules, and roles, and grape vines. They have "runners" that go in and out of the labyrinth every day. They leave when the walls open and then run in once right before the walls close. Nobody survives a night in the labyrinth, and we don't know why. 

Until new guy goes into the labyrinth. This is when we meet Morganica. New guy figures out a way to survive the night and kills Morganica in the process. Morganica has a locator beacon wedged in its slimy skull. The number 7 is on it. That means something, and basically that is what the movie is about. Finding the number 7 in the labrynth. 

The trailer didn't tell us Peter Pan would be in the movie. Peter Pan was adorable. There was also a token girl. Not the J.R. Tolken, speaks elvish kind. An actual token girl. Like, there was one girl who came and lived amongst the male models. There was a note that came with her saying she would be the "last one." There is some connection with her and the new guy. Something about how they knew each other before, and she remembers his name. 

The labrynth is a test. Maybe the world has ended. Maybe there was a virus. The movie ends with so many maybe's. Which is why I didn't love the movie.

Enough with the movie, and onto the review. I give the movie 2 stars. The relationship between the characters was not flushed out. I didn't cry when I should have, and I should have. The relationship between new guy and token girl was never made clear. No kissing, and there probably should have been some kissing. Teenage movie, they have a history, and no kissing. None. Weird, right?

The huge cliff hanger at the end was odd. The movie ended half-way through the plot. The length of the movie was correct, but the timing and flushing out of characters was lacking. Kind of like this review. :) 

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  1. My guess is that the movie leaves you hanging precisely because the book leaves you hanging. It is the first book in a series, and I'm betting there will be more movies. Not my favorite book, but my son loved it. He read every sequel and prequel.


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