How to Talk Yourself Out of a Work Out

Ian moved to San Antonio a couple of weeks before I did, and he had big dreams of starting a workout routine right when he got here. Well...that didn't happen. There are a lot of good ways to talk yourself out of working out. This is not an exhaustive list, but Ian is pretty good at it, so, if you are about to start working out and you are running out of excuses not to, there are a lot of good ideas here.

I don 't know this guy. My use of this image is frowned upon.
1. Can't decide on a place. Take into account price, location, equipment, resources, etc. etc. 
2. Can't decide on a time.
3. Don't have a place to wash the smelly post-workout clothes.
4. Inadvertently leave your shoes at home (in Nebraksa), so you don't have them.
5. Once you have a place, and a time, be sure not to know WHAT to do.
6. Feel uncomfortable designing your own workout, and just don't do it for awhile.
7. Get caught up on that one exercise you don't know how to do.
8. You have a place, the clothes, a workout, and then decide you need to go swimming instead.
9. Your location doesn't have a pool.
10. Find a new location that does have a pool.
11. Can't find a swimming suit.
12. Find the swimming suit, but then don't have goggles.
13. Insist on having a gym bag to carry a change of clothes in before starting a workout routine.
14. Wait a few days until the bag arrives.
15. Then you need headphones for the cardio stuff. Current headphones are noise cancelling headphones, so you need better headphones.
16. Stay up too late and be tired for the morning workout time.
17. Have a lot to do at lunch, and work through lunch workout time.
18. Be so hungry at dinner time that you need to go straight home and eat.
19. After dinner, don't workout that night because you need to get to bed early and workout in the morning.
20. What? I don't have the right breakfast food to fuel my body before a workout! I'll start tomorrow. 


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