I Took His Headphones

Oh, and I took your headphones. A passing thought I share as I move in for a goodbye kiss. I'm off to Utah. Tra-la-la. But, the tra-la-la didn't happen.

YOU WHAT? Ian's beautiful face recoiled, turning the goodbye kiss turned into a not kiss. The beautiful face became distorted into a face that looked like it was eating spring salad mix. I try to explain my choice, confused about why I need to even justify this decision.

"Well, you broke mine, and I didn't have any, so I'm borrowing yours." I look him in the eye, and he takes a few deep breaths.  "Can you think of another option?" I realize my logic is flawless, here, but somehow, I'm still not in the right. I can tell because salad face is still there.

Ian is walking backwards from me. "But they are new, and for the computer." I smell something. I think it's desperation.

"They're for the computer? But I see you walking all around the house with them hooked up to your cellphone." I am confused about these desktop computer headphones that I haven't seen used at the computer.

Ian takes a step towards me. "Don't break them. And don't lose that little adapter on the bottom."

Apparently, Ian allowing me to pull out of the driveway with his headphones in the backseat
was some sacrificial gesture of celestial love.

I think I'm being careful. Is this careful enough?


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