The Thing About Bananas

I feel like I need them in my house. Always.
Image result for banana images

I like them with peanut butter for breakfast. Or sometimes I like toast with bananas and peanut butter. Or if I'm feeling crazy, bananas with Nutella. Or bananas cut up in ice cream or yogurt, or sliced into my morning Frosted Flakes cereal. Bananas make life better.

When I was younger, my life was made up of banana shakes.

frozen bananas
powdered milk (like the actual powder folks. Don't turn it into milk)
protein powder or malted milk if you have it
sometimes vanilla
a little water

Blend until creamy. Then drink that glorious liquid up.

My Grandma Helen who lives in southern Arizona makes THE BEST banana shakes. She always has malted milk. Our portions of banana shake are served in yogurt cups that had been washed out. (Fruit on the bottom guys. How was that ever a thing? Ewww. Pre-stirred is way better. Unless it is Noosa. Somehow Noosa figured that out).

So I buy bananas. But here's the thing. They get brown really fast. Brown=mushy. The brown happens because it is summer, and we don't chill our house a lot. I like warm.  We also put our bananas on top of our toaster oven. (The thing some people have instead of a microwave). We didn't think this through very well. Obviously we are cooking our bananas. I don't like to eat bananas once they are brown. They make good banana bread, but it's hot. Who wants to bake? Sometimes I make my girls bake banana bread as a chore. Another option for the brown bananas, I can freeze them and make banana shakes, but I have to get them into the ziplocks and into the freezer. Somehow it doesn't happen with every batch of bananas. It's not hard. Peel bananas, break them into two or more pieces, stick them in that ziplock and put those things into the freezer. I don't do it.

In conclusion, I throw away a lot of bananas. Nevertheless, I don't plan on changing my banana purchasing habits.


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