I Would Rather Be Teaching

Today is the second snow day in a row.

When I was a kid, I loved snow days. I would play in the snow, and watch movies, make crafts, my mom would bake something delicious. Playing in the snow involved intricate waterproofing involving plastic bags inside of socks, and the art of layering. I grew up in New Mexico and our snow days were few and far between, but we loved it. We would make snow ice-cream: snow, milk, vanilla, and sugar. And, I would make a giant mess involving paper, scissors, water color paints. Or maybe we would play a giant game of Monopoly. Anyways, snow days were joyful days.

I am lame at snow days as a mom.
I don't like going OUT in the snow, so I am stuck inside, avoiding the snow. I clean. I do laundry. I rest up, being home is exhausting, and I clean up after my kids. Not as fun.

Anyway. Today is the second snow day in a row. Yesterday, I had a sick husband and a sick child, and I didn't feel so hot myself. I spent a lot of the day fevering and computering.

Today was a new day. I woke up thinking I was going to work. I knew it would be a late start, but I would still be teaching. Tests in math and civics need to be taken, reviews need to be done for tests, English assignments need graded, and conversations with students need to be had. I put on my colorful new LuLaRoe skirt that I won in a facebook 12 Days of Christmas competition (heck yeah), paired with my turquoise shirt I got from Cabela's from my fit modeling days, and put on my colorful maroon leggings and a yellow cardi on and I was working my teacher groove. After I was ready, I was notified that traveling conditions were not safe and my school was cancelled.

All was not lost. I was able to-guilt free-attend my preschooler's Christmas concert. She was precious, and the songs were awesome. My older girls were able to come, too, which was an extra bonus. They adore their little sister and we were able to support her in full Hornbarger fashion.

But, the truth remains. I love my job. I love driving to work with my kids in the car. We sing along to my awesome Christmas mix CD "Christmas was better in the 80's. Better in the nineteen eighties....nineteen eighties." I love working at my school. I love greeting my students in the hallway. "Good morning!" I say to students as they respond in whatever way they want. Some of them say good morning back, some of them ignore me, some of them grumble along. I like making copies: the warm paper feels amazing. I love eating school lunch that Kevin and Sonnie make. I take two milks: one chocolate and one white. I drink the white one first with my lunch, and then the chocolate one is for desert. Then I don't have to do a single dish. I like reading the books I assign for my students. Right now we are reading Helen Keller's autobiography and Ender's Game (I KNOW!). I don't love grading papers, but that's OK.  It is the laundry of teaching, and must be done. I have skittles in my bottom right hand drawer that I reward myself with while I am grading papers, and I turn on music or a TED talk.

I love seeing my girls after school. They come into my classroom and unload all things about their day. My fourth grader plays her recorder. My second grader draws on white-boards or homework. We pick up my little guy from the on-site daycare. He runs out to the car looking for bunnies (they are usually not there). They both read on the way home and we watch the sun set.

So, here is the truth. I love being a teacher. I love it so much, snow days are kind of a drag. But guys, I look really good today doing dishes
Photo cred goes to the 4th grader. 


  1. Replies
    1. A great outfit is a great start to the day. I loved all the colors! Thanks Liz.

  2. My important takeaway from this post is that it is important for one's skirt to coordinate with the cabinet knobs in one's kitchen.

    Oh, and I love being a teacher, too! I've never understood teachers who count the days until the end of the year--I mean, I need a mental health day as much as the next guy, but to count down until I don't get to go to school? Inconceivable...


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