Crystal Alvarado's Fictitious Obituary
It is with great curiosity we celebrate the life of Crystal Alvarado. The curiosity comes because we are people and people want to know how other people died. The answer will come shortly. Crystal was also known as Dora the Explorer, and Cristal, misspelling her own name until her senior year in high school. When she stumbled across her own birth certificate, verified by her social security, and confirmed by her mother, her name is actually spelled with the "y": Crystal. Her favorite lunch throughout her life was tortas, served with ham and avocado. She would have loved to drink them with the traditional coca (Coca-cola), but her mom wouldn't let her drink soda. Her mother was wise and prevented many cavities for her daughter. Crystal died with beautiful, undecayed teeth. (Sponsored by Colgate). Crystal enjoyed reading, and was a high school cheerleader. The pep she gained from cheering pierced her deep in her heart, and was the ultimate cause of her early and an...