Alexander Movie Review. The Title is really too long, so I won't write it.

I went to this 7:00 o'clock movie with my 8 year old daughter as well as the movie gals. That was the best choice I made all day.

The movie had Jennifer Gardner in it. I know she says her name is Jennifer Garner, but I prefer to think of her as a Gardener who grows lilies, and Gardner is pretty close. Jennifer is adorable. Ever since "13 Going On 30" she has captured a place in my heart. I watched "13 Going on 30" a lot when I was living in Beijing, and the people in the movies were the only people who spoke English, and they were my best friends. Mark Ruffalo and Jennifer Gardner are dear friends of mine, but they don't know me. That is fine, because I don't know if I would like the reality as well as the fantasy people I've created in my head.

Well, in Alexander and the Horrible, Terrible, No Good, Very Bad Day (or is it Terrible, Horrible? which is a very, very long name for a movie. I actually think that movies should have names that people can remember and say in one breath), there is a family that has a boy who is turning 12. He has a little bit of a lisp, which makes him quite adorable. His mother is Jennifer Garner who is married to Steve Carell. Basically 13 going on 30 girl is married to Michael Scott from the office, and they have created a wonderful home in California. It is obvious that it is California by the birthday parties in this movie.

My cousin lives in California and her son went to a Carnival for a 6 year old birthday party. There were live tigers, elephants, fire breathing midgets, the whole thing. For a birthday party. Over 200 guests. For a 6 year old.  "Here is your gift. They are pajamas I bought you from Wal-mart. I left the receipt in there incase you want to exchange them. And, I like the sword eaters at your party almost as much as the 5 live tigers in the cage. Happy Birthday."

The ridiculousness of birthday parties is a big plot factor though, as the son is worried about his guest list since the cool boy (something Parker, but I kept calling him Peter Parker so I am going with it) Peter Parker is also having his party that same day. Peter has a frozen yogurt machine, an energy drink bar, and something else amazing at his party and everyone is going to it. This causes great angst to Alexander. On the eve of his birthday, he makes himself a birthday ice-cream sundae full on with chocolate sauce and sprinkles-and a candle, and he wishes a wish that his family would know what it was like to have a really bad day. The power of his birthday wish is very, very strong. So strong the wish happens, and the next day is full of so much awkwardness that it is hard to watch. I was freaking out at all the crazy things that were happening to that family.

The top of the list of awkwardness for me was: The dad brought the baby to a job interview, ] the baby put his foot in the beautifully frosted birthday cake, and the driver's test for the teenage boy. Oh, my goodness. That van had a really bad day. It was the worst driving test moment ever.

There are also a lot of fun supporting actor and actresses such as Ron Swanson's wife Tammy 2 from Parks and Rec, the bend and pop gal manicurist from Legally Blonde, and cute Troy from Community.

Overall I give the movie 4 out of 5 stars. Because my little girl was with me and she was laughing her brains out. I was also laughing, and my friends were all laughing. Also, the accountant Justin Call was laughing alongside his two little kids behind us. So...I think there is really something for everyone. Prepare yourself for awkward, though-lots, and lots of awkward.Also, please do not let me forget the adorableness of the baby they found to be the baby. My goodness, a cuter thing could not have graced the movie screen. The movie with the title that must not be named doesn't get 5 stars because it isn't my favorite movie ever, but it was good for a family flik, and left me feeling good and like a family united can conquer anything. I was really impressed with the communication skills between Jenn and Steve. Their fake relationship made marriage  and family beautiful, and I was inspired.

Except for the ridiculousness of the birthday party they threw for their son. That was not inspiring, but it was fun. Just watch it. And, then tell me your favorite awkward moments.


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