CPA Exam Fun Facts

Ian is taking a CPA exam right now.  It is the one he took a few months ago and missed passing by one dinky little point. I thought I would, in honor of this occasion, share a few fun facts I've learned about CPA exams.

There are four exams.  FAR, BCS, AUD, and something else.  The AUD stands for auditing.  I don't know what the other letters stand for.  He passed audit.  Today he is taking one of the other ones.

Once you pass the first exam, the time starts ticking.  One year to pass all the exams.  People have exams they have passed expire all the time because they don't pass them all in the allotted time. I sure hope that doesn't happen.

Each exam costs about 200 dollars to take. There are four of them. It is likely that an individual will need to take one or more exams multiple times.

One must score a 75 or higher to pass.  The 75 is somewhat arbitrary based the curve of the people who take an exam in your window and such and such.

The Ian preferred Becker study material costs 1,000 big ones.  These also become out dated in about a year, as things change. Incidentally, these books are blue right now and Ian uses a yellow highlighter and red pen. Red pens are prone to damaging clothing in the washing machine.  Little girls love both highlighters and red pens to draw on walls and furniture.  Headphones are fun for babies to chew on.

Studying for each exam is time consuming.  We've been doing the study for the CPA exam thing for a few years now. After everyone goes to bed, Ian studies.  Sometimes he studies on Saturday, and sometimes in the morning, too.  He does most of his studying online with headphones in his ears. I know because I see him like this when I come out for a drink of water, or to interrupt his studies with something I want to talk about.

It is possible to "get lucky" and pass the exam with little study or crammed study into a short period of time.  Legends of these lucksters who crammed over a weekend or just took it and passed have spread and create an illusion that the exams are not that hard.  I do not subscribe to this philosophy.  I think dedicated, uninterrupted study is the best plan of action. This is easier to do if you do not have a life.  If you are having fun and studying for the exam, you are doing it wrong.

CPA stands for Certified Public Accountant. Many accountants do accounting work without a CPA. For example, government accountants can be promoted without the CPA.  Ian does not work in a profession where further promotion is possible without certification.

Good luck my dear. My the odds be ever in your favor.


  1. So that’s two down and two more to go -- and it’s already November! When does Ian’s year expire? Yes, dedicated and uninterrupted study is the best plan of action but over-studying isn’t going to be of much help either. Do give yourself time to relax and give your brain time to process what you’ve just learned. You don’t have to go out on some wild party, staying in during the weekend to watch movies or catching-up on your favorite TV series will do just fine. You can also drop those accounting books for a good novel ;)

    Elias Brasel @ OnCoreBookKeeping Services


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