
Showing posts from July, 2017

Haiku Regarding Baby Bunny

Bunny Nest Dead baby nearby But a heart beats in the nest Mommy please come back. Baby Jesus and Baby Bunny Both were born outside Jesus had wise men visit The bunny gets us Julieku to the bunny...she follows no syllabic rules I love my bunny friend With it, adventures never end. And it's cuteness has no end. Sleeping On the Trampoline Near the Bunny Nest Someone must keep guard Julie and I listen close Crickets sing their songs Julie's Feelings About the Bunny Our dog makes her scared She thinks now of the nine puppies Both furs feel so soft Background On the Nine Puppies We fostered Margot She ran away and did it Puppy Christmas came What if Baby Bunny Dies ? Trying feels hollow The bunny is so tiny Our tears will make mud The Sounds of Night No crying bunny Crickets and cicadas chirp The moon stays silent Morning Came No bunny tracks found The baby is an orphan Now it’s up to us Feedi...

Sleepy in Seattle

I told my psychiatrist I'm tired. I've been telling my doctors this for years. "How many children do you have?" "Four." "Oh, yeah. It's probably time of life. I'll order labs, though and we can check everything over and make sure there isn't an underlying condition." My psychiatrist ordered labs. We're checking my thyroid again. It has something to do with the gigantic growth on my thyroid. It is the size of a something. I can't tell because I only see a little bit of it that is protruding from my voicebox region.  I had the bump biopsied years ago. Throat bumps are named Nodules. I do not reccomend naming a child this. Nodule is not a beautiful name. Biopsies are an uncomfortable experience if you don't like sharp things near your throat. I don't. I know, weird. I also had it nuclear imaged, or something like that. I swallowed a dye. And then there were swirly colorful ultrasound images. And then I thought I would ...

The Thing About Bananas

I feel like I need them in my house. Always. I like them with peanut butter for breakfast. Or sometimes I like toast with bananas and peanut butter. Or if I'm feeling crazy, bananas with Nutella. Or bananas cut up in ice cream or yogurt, or sliced into my morning Frosted Flakes cereal. Bananas make life better. When I was younger, my life was made up of banana shakes. Recipe: frozen bananas powdered milk (like the actual powder folks. Don't turn it into milk) ice protein powder or malted milk if you have it sometimes vanilla a little water Blend until creamy. Then drink that glorious liquid up. My Grandma Helen who lives in southern Arizona makes THE BEST banana shakes. She always has malted milk. Our portions of banana shake are served in yogurt cups that had been washed out. (Fruit on the bottom guys. How was that ever a thing? Ewww. Pre-stirred is way better. Unless it is Noosa. Somehow Noosa figured that out). So I buy bananas. But here's the thing. T...