Meet Mrs. H.
This is my first year as a teacher. I teach middle school math, Civics, and English. I am not sure if civics should be capitalized and math should not. The capitalization of English as a subject, I am confident on. In my mind, English is much less capitalized than the other two, because I require so much prep time, and they make me a little anxious. Teaching poetry elements is like swimming in a hot tub. The school I teach at is surrounded by farmland. The middle school and high school are combined. The superintendent office is in the building. All the students have the same lunch period. We play 8 man football, and are seriously considering going to 6 man. There is not even an Alco here. It is a small school. I have the 7th graders three times during the day. They move from class to class together. I see them for English, Civics, and Math. I also frequently eat lunch with them in the cafeteria. I also see them before school while they are playin...