The Artist Painted Moi
How did you get an artist to paint you? Well there are 5 easy breezy steps. Step 1: Meet an artist. Several would be better, because in my experience you have to ask three artists to get one to paint you. Meeting an artist who paints portraits would be even better. Step 2: Show admiration for the artists work. Step 3: Ask the artist if they would paint you. Step 4: They will say yes. But they might not actually mean yes. Step 5 : Show up at their door so they have pressure to get arting. It is a great question. I know kings and queens have portraits painted. But they are rich. So, how does a mere peasant in this great big world find an artist, and then get that artist to agree to paint them. How much does such a luxury even cost: 50 candy bars? One thousand candy bars? I have to admit, this is not the first artist I have asked to paint me. Ian has an aunt who is an artist, and I mentioned I would love to model for a painting. My aunt Karina is also an artist, and I have...