My Fourth Grade Broken Heart
When I was in fourth grade I had two best friends. One of them I had been best friends with since 2nd grade. Best Friends Forever. She was slightly taller than I was, which was kind of amazing because I was pretty tall, so we ended up on the same basketball team together in 3rd grade and we played posts opposite each other. We had our own thing going on under there, and we would switch on a hand signal. I remember one time we went to Albuquerque with her mom and she had cabbage patch dolls that we each held in the backseat and we giggled. We giggled a lot. So much her mom told us to stop. It made us giggle. The other friend had just started coming to our elementary school, but we all went to church together so she joined in out little threesome. We played on "the bars" at recess. They were the two parallel bars that stood slightly higher than waist level. We practiced for the olympic gymnastic routines we were sure to be in one day by twirling and flipping on the bars. We ate...